Qumranica in Depth

Scripta Qumranica Electronica provides an online ecosystem for digital exploration of the manuscript remains from the Judean Desert.

Web Access and Tools

Most publicly visible are our digital critical editions website and our online virtual research environment. The digital critical editions will provide scholars and general public alike easy access to feature rich editions of manuscripts from the Judean Desert. Our virtual research environment is a web application that makes it possible for users to examine the Dead Sea Scrolls at a depth never before made available online. It provides the tools needed to collaboratively prepare editions of manuscripts that can ultimately be published to the digital critical editions website.

Online APIs

As an open access project, we make all components of our project publicly available. This means that the web API’s used by our digital critical editions website and our online virtual research environment are directly accessible for computational analysis.

Interaction with the system as accomplished through two API’s:

The image API has been developed by the IAA and will come online in the near future. For API details see https://iiif.io/technical-details/.

The Qumranica API provides all information about published digital editions, which may be read-only accessed by anyone. Anyone who has created a user account may also access (with full read-write capability) any private work carried out in the system. Web documentation of the API can be found at https://api.qumranica.org/swagger.

Project Resources

We also provide full access to all of the code and raw data in our project. The code is License: MIT and the data are Creative Commons License. A Docker image of the Qumranica database can be accessed directly from Docker Hub at https://hub.docker.com/r/qumranica/sqe-database.